Studying for the PRINCE2 Foundation exam? This App will help you build your knowledge and understanding of PRINCE2 and will strongly help you in passing your PRINCE2 exam on your first try. Its a complete learning package of exam questions and complete exams in English. You can practice when you want and wherever you want. You receive direct and ample feedback and you can easily monitor your progress. One stop shopping gives you all our test questions within easy reach in this App.
• More than 450 quality exam style questions in English
• Covers all exam topics in depth
• Four complete timed test papers
• All questions in one package, no need to purchase additional packages
• No need for internet connectivity
• Direct and detailed feedback on your answers with references to the relevant part of the manual
• Feedback both for correct and incorrect answer options
• Smart navigation in trying and reviewing
• Mark difficult questions for easy retrieval
• Take as many tries as you want for each question
• See your progress in time for each topic
• Fast learning, with high chance of passing the exam on your first try
• Builds your confidence for the exam
• Ideal companion to self-study or classroom course
• Covers the most common parts of PRINCE2 and the hidden details that pop up in exams
• Increased knowledge of relevant parts of PRINCE2
• Helps to understand the structure and of PRINCE2
PRINCE2® e-trainer is a joint development of NIMO and Learning Ideas. NIMO Project Management Institute provides both public and on-site courses in project and program management. We have partnerships with other training providers in all parts of the world to provide training and consultancy.
Focus of Learning Ideas is on the development of trainer skills and the application of modern approaches to training.
PRINCE2® is a registered trademark of the Cabinet Office.